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For Hire
What gig am I looking for?
As you may have read on my About page (once I complete it), I've done quite a variety of genres and gigs. At this stage of my career and life (I'm currently 53) I would love to be involved in a creative project that writes, records, performs, produces videos, has a mission of some sort like promoting positive messages. I've done a ton of bar gigs....many shitty bar gigs....and will still do them if hired....however, I'd like to take a different path than what I've done for the past 30 years. One of the main reasons I moved to Colorado is the diversity in the music scene that I had read and heard about for so long. Thus, I'm available as a full band member for the right project or a hired gun for just about any project.
Dream Gig
We all have them....that dream of working for a certain artist or a similar project. When/if Chris Layton decides to retire, I think that would be the ultimate gig to work for Kenny Wayne Shepherd. I dig the direction in songs that the band has been moving towards and I think it would be a great mix for me with traditional guitar blues and "modern" blues rock. Or if Matt Abts decides to step down....Gov't Mule? Warren Haynes? Fuck yes! I really dig what Black Country Communion is doing as well. That type of blues/groove rock is right in my wheelhouse and I just love playing it (and I seem to be pretty good at it!)
Hired Gun
I've been called to sub literally hours before someones gig...most times it's a cover band and I've played most of the songs before but there's been many times where I haven't played the songs on their list and have wrote out some quick charts and off we go. Obviously, it's much better if I have some notice prior to the gig. Send me your set list that you will use at the gig, I'll write charts out to whatever I don't know yet, get together for a dress rehearsal or just fly the show. "You played the songs better than our current drummer"...has been a statement I've heard many times before. Why? Because I write out the drum parts from the original...ask you if you perform the song like the original and give me a heads up if anything is different. I'll study the song, write the chart and show up prepared. Very grateful for my years in college as a percussion performance major that taught me the skill of transcribing music parts to paper. It's time consuming, but it's well worth it.